About MoodHwb

About MoodHwb
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'Probably the first digital platform for mental health I've seen where I've thought - I'm going to look that up later, this might actually help me.'

'It felt like it could actually do something.'

'App feels like it might be more personal than some other apps that just feel like you're talking to a robot.'

'Some parents may not understand how to support a child with mental health problems. The app seems like it would be very useful for educating both parent and young person.'

Quotes from young people about MoodHwb

Welcome to MoodHwb

Mood: (noun, English) A state of mind or feeling.
Hwb: (noun, Welsh) 1) hub; 2) boost, lift, fillip.

Developing MoodHwb: You can watch a video and read more about how MoodHwb was developed, and how you might use the website and app here.

It’s normal for young people to feel down and not enjoy things sometimes. If these feelings are long lasting or keep coming back, and begin to affect day-to-day life, this could be a sign they need some help...Either by finding ways to help themselves...or by getting help from others.

Low mood and anxiety often happen together, and can affect people of any age. It is common for young people to experience these difficulties.

This programme can be used as a website or an app. It is for young people – and for families, carers, friends and professionals who would like to know more about low mood, anxiety, depression, and other health difficulties. It also has advice on self help, ways of staying well, and where to get help.

  • You might use it because you’re having difficulties, for example if you’re feeling down, worried or stressed. It’s possible that you only have some difficulties, or that you have many which are affecting your life a lot. You may have been given a diagnosis of depression or anxiety.
  • Or maybe you’re worried you might have difficulties in the future. For example if someone in your family has had problems with low mood, anxiety or depression, or if you’re under a lot of stress.
  • Or it might be used by a family member, carer, friend or professional who is worried about a young person.

This programme has been developed from talking to lots of young people, including many who have had difficulties, as well as families, professionals, and designers. It’s also based on the best research available, and is supported by many organisations. It’s been built so that it’s safe, secure, private and confidential.

There are various options to help personalise it. You might like to use it on your own or with someone you trust. You can choose the language. And the ‘hide’ button can be used to leave quickly at any time. Answering the questions at the start helps to find the sections that are most relevant for you, and helps you to notice how you’re feeling, so you know when you might need to do something differently, or when to ask someone else for help. It’s also possible to skip the questions, and just browse. All information you put into the programme will only be seen by you, although you might like to show it to someone you trust.

The programme has seven sections. Some parts might be more relevant to you than others, and you can work through them in whatever way is most helpful for you. It takes around 15 to 20 minutes to complete each section. Six of the seven sections have been written mainly for young people. These sections cover: what are low mood and anxiety?, possible reasons, self-help, where to get help, and other health difficulties. There is another section for families, carers, friends or professionals – and this complements the topics in the young person’s sections.

There is a mood diary to help you to notice changes in how you are feeling. You can also set yourself goals and store links to helpful resources. Your behaviours, thoughts and feelings are all related, and if you address possible reasons or triggers, and try to do or think about things differently – then this can change how you feel.

Remember, if you are going through difficulties that are affecting your life, it’s better that you talk to someone you trust or get help from a professional – rather than keeping it to yourself. There is a link to the ‘where to get help’ section on the home screen.

The programme can help those who want to know more about low mood, anxiety and depression in young people – the sections and animations from the programme can be used again and again, whenever they are needed.